April 20th Round 1: Prairie City Information


We are just a few days away from kicking off the 2019 Points Series at Prairie City SVRA in Rancho Cordova!  Below is a schedule of events and other important information for our kickoff event.

Where: Prairie City SVRA 13300 White Rock Rd, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742

Follow the entrance road to the Ranger booth and tell them you are competing at the RC event at the Environmental Training Center Range A.  Do not pay here, you will pay when you park!  Follow the road and park on the north end of the quarter midget parking lot and pay the attendant $5, NO EXCEPTIONS.  This is a required fee by the State Park for the use of the facility, if you do not pay, you do not race.  Once parked, proceed to the registration desk where trucks and batteries will be tech inspected.

Prairie City Map

When: Registration begins at 10:00 AM and closes at 11:30 AM.  Cost is $15/truck, maximum of two trucks per class.  Kids class is $10/truck.  Class rules can be found here.

Practice starts at 11:00 AM and is first come first serve.  At the completion of a lap on the track, racers may get in line to go again as many times as they wish between 11:00 and 11:45.  At noon, there will be a drivers meeting followed by the Kid’s Class race, and qualifying will begin at the conclusion of the Kid’s Class race.  Drivers will get one timed pass in each lane with the fastest time used to seed the single elimination racing bracket.  After qualifying will be the 2.2 class racing followed by the 2.6 class.  At the conclusion of racing, there will be an intermission to change the track for freestyle competition.  At the conclusion of freestyle, Kid’s Class trucks will be permitted to use the track for freestyle/bashing and event trophies will be given to the winners of racing, freestyle, and the overall event champion for Round 1 in 2.2 and 2.6 classes.  For additional event information please check out the event rules and point series FAQ’s.

Other information:  Racers are allowed to use the barbecue at the facility or bring in a self-contained barbecue.  There are a few tables with shade covering available first come, first serve.  Racers may bring pop up tents and tables.  Restrooms are available on site.  The use of illegal substances is not permitted and those found using will be subject to ejection.  Please use the provided trash cans as this is a State Park and we would like to be invited back!




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