Round 5 Points Series Championship Information


What: The final event of the 2019 Points Series where the Champions will be crowned in the 2.2 and 2.6 solid axle monster truck classes.  Event trophies as well as the series trophies and prizes will be given out at the conclusion of the event.

When: Saturday, August 17th.  Registration starts at 9:00 AM, racing starts at 10:00 since it will probably be hot.

Where: The Championship will have a new venue: Ray Lockridge Park in Roseville!  The previous venue doubled permitting fees for the new 2019-20 fiscal year and it has been decided that a new venue in the area would need to be chosen for our championship event.  The City of Roseville was able to make this happen on short notice and we will be racing on the dirt infield of the softball field.  The park is located at 2601 Eureka Road in Roseville next to the Johnson Ranch Sports Club.  There are no power outlets available at the park, however we anticipate having a generator.  There is plenty of shade around the field as well as picnic tables.

Other Information: In addition to Round 5 event trophies for the racing, freestyle and overall winners for each class, we will be giving away trophies and cash prizes for the top 3 competitors in each class.  We will also be crowning our Fat Cat Customz Freestyle Champions who will each receive a Fat Cat Customz wrapped body of their choice.  Winner of the Novice class will receive a JConcepts “Snoop Nose” Chevy monster truck body.  There will also once again be raffle prizes including a Proline Chevy Monster Truck body, a set of wheels and tires, banner, and set of shocks.  If the Bounty on Torey’s “Joker” 2.2 truck is not claimed, it will also be raffled off.

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