Points Series Rules and Information


  • Each Points Series event will feature single elimination racing with qualifying order determining the seeding in the competition bracket.
  • Each truck will qualify once in each lane with the better of the two times used to seed the race bracket.  If a truck does not complete either qualifying run, it will be seeded at the bottom of the bracket.
  • The higher seeded truck will get lane choice in elimination pairings.
  • Competing trucks will get one practice lap in each lane prior to qualifying during a designated practice session.
  • Truck must hit all racing obstacles on the course with both front tires up the ramp or will be penalized. If both trucks are assessed a penalty for failing to get both tires up the ramp, the penalties offset. If multiple penalties occur, the truck with the least amount will be declared the winner.
  • During qualifying, failing to get both front tires up an obstacle will result in a 5-second penalty.
  • If a truck misses an obstacle and goes back to correct the penalty, it must occur prior to the tires crossing the finish line. Once the tires have crossed the finish line, the race pass is complete.
  • No time deduction for hitting turn obstacle.
  • If a truck goes off/cuts the course and/or impedes/collides with the opponent or misses an obstacle entirely, that truck is disqualified.
  • If both trucks rollover without crossing the finish line or double DQ, the race will be re-run.
  • Leaving before the green light/go signal will result in disqualification. If both trucks jump, race will be re-run.
  • All competing trucks must run a body.  Bodies are to remain attached to the truck during qualifying and racing.  If the body comes off in qualifying, it will result in a 5-second penalty.  If the body comes off in racing rounds, it will result in a disqualification.
  • Nobody is to be on the track during competition and there are no track marshals.  If a truck rolls over, it cannot be touched until the race is over.
  • Racers may control trucks from whatever vantage point they desire so long as it is off the race track and does not impede other drivers or the race official from calling penalties/determining race winner.
  • If a racer ends up seeded against their second entry, the higher seeded truck will advance by default unless it is broken. If this occurs in the finals, racer can choose which truck is the winner. Racers will be have the option to make a bye run pass with the higher-seeded truck.
  • Once racing rounds have begun, if a truck is broken/not ready to race, as a courtesy that race will be dropped to the last race of the round.  Once the final race is up and the other competing racer has staged, the broken truck will have 60 seconds to be staged at the starting line.
  • If the racer cannot be staged within 60 seconds, the staged truck will be given a bye run (if scenario is the first round) or the truck that lost in the previous round to the broken truck will return in its place at the discretion of the race director.  Broken trucks will not be awarded points for the round they are unable to compete in.
  • If possible, a camera will be used at the finish line to determine close races. If a clear winner cannot be determined, the race will be re-run.  The winner is determined by which front tires (not body) cross the finish line first. Any disputes or requests for video review must be brought to a race official’s attention prior to the start of the next round of racing.


  • 3 judges will be selected and will score a specific aspect of the run on a 10-point scale.  The three criteria are: time filled (rule of thumb is 1 point per 10 seconds), momentum/use of track, and air/tricks.  A perfect score is 30 points.
  • Freestyle order is determined by the reverse ranking of racing (racing winner goes last).
  • Racers will have up to 100 seconds to have a “full” run.  One rollover is allowed to be used; however a 3-point deduction will be applied to the final score (maximum score of 27).
  • A rollover is defined as the truck roof is touching the ground and is unable to continue without being touched or needing to “turtle” back and forth after momentum has stopped.  If a driver goes off course/out of bounds during freestyle, that will count as a rollover.  Drivers can opt to end their run after the rollover or take the 3-point deduction and keep going until time is up or a second rollover occurs.
  • Race official will call out “rollover” and time will stop to flip the truck back on all fours and start on the next jump or move such as a wheelie or donut.
  • Race official will call out “time” to signal the end of the run and judges will turn in their scores.  Tricks done after time is called will not be scored. When the run is over, trucks shall exit the track and not continue to hit obstacles, or additional deductions could be added at the discretion of race officials. Racers who move/alter the course ramps or obstacles without consent of race officials will receive deductions.
  • Tie breaker for freestyle winning score is as follows: whether a rollover was used, more time filled, then higher air/tricks score.  If the score is still tied, whoever achieved the score first will get the event win (however both will get the same score recorded for overall points).

Points Scoring and Other Information

  • Event points are awarded as follows:
    • Qualifying points are distributed based on “Reverse ranking” of the number of competing trucks.  Fastest qualifier will receive points equal to the number of competing trucks, last place gets 1 point. (For example, in a 16-truck field, top qualifier gets 16 points, 2nd gets 15, and so on).
    • 5 points are awarded for every elimination round win or bye.  Race director will use a bracket app to track point standings for each bracket.
    • At the end of the event, total points will be calculated as qualifying points + racing points + freestyle score and an Overall Event winner will be determined for each class.  The Overall Event winner earns 1 bonus point.   If there is a tie, the truck with the faster qualifying time will get the tie breaker.  If the same truck (not racer) gets Top Qualifier, wins racing, and freestyle, an additional bonus point is awarded for the event.
    • Event points will be posted on the website and updated after each event.
    • In the event of a tie for a podium position at the end of the season for the 2.2 or 2.6 Class, the tie breakers will be as follows: most overall event wins, then most racing round wins, then heads up wins between the tied racers.
    • In the event of a tie for a podium position at the end of the season for the Retro Class, the tied racers will have a heads-up race for the trophy.
  • Maximum of 2 trucks per racer per class.  One racer per truck.  Switching bodies onto different chassis during the event will not be permitted.
  • Truck/racer combinations must stay paired the entire season for overall points.
  • Drivers are allowed one emergency fill-in which must be declared to the race director prior to the event. In this scenario, one truck per class may be raced by a current series driver for the racing portion of the event only. Fill-ins cannot be used for the first or final event of the series.
  • Cost is $20 for the first truck and $10 for each additional entry and Novice class is $5. If running the same truck in two classes with different tires, you pay for each class.
  • Arguing with race officials or being hostile towards officials/staff/other racers will result in being disqualified and subject to ejection.
  • Drivers will be held responsible for any damages caused.
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